Thank you for your interest in purchasing Read-a-Card.

This page will help you to choose which type of software license to buy, based upon your reader type and other needs.

License options

If you have a reader with a unique electronic ID, then we recommend that you purchase a Read-a-Card e-license. Most current models of Omnikey, Identiv and Gemalto readers provide this feature, and you can easily check whether your reader has an ID by looking in the ‘Reader ID’ box on the Read-a-Card status tab (after reading a card).

An e-license is tied to the reader and you can therefore install the Read-a-Card software on any number of PCs, and use it as long as the reader is attached at the time and a matching e-license has been installed, either manually or automatically.

If you don’t have a reader suitable for e-licensing, then you will need to purchase a Read-a-Card PC-based contactless license. This type of license is supplied as an 13.56MHz activation tag, as part of a packaged software edition, and will work with all types of reader apart from special ones that work at other frequencies, such as the Omnikey 5×25 Prox.

Complete Packages

Read-a-Card is also available in packaged solution form, comprising the software, a reader and a matching license. In some cases, these packages use embedded licenses, where the license is actually contained within the reader, for added convenience.

Where to buy

Please check the where to buy page for details of where and how to purchase Read-a-Card, depending on your location.



